
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Many Christmases Later

The ornament at the bottom of this post is hanging on its 26th Christmas tree. We got it as a wedding gift. I remember in the  heat of the summer digging through our Christmas stuff for a string of lights so I could use the light socket plug with this ornament and watch the little porch light go on and then switch back and forth from the porch to the inside light. I guess I was easily entertained. A few years ago the light quit working. But the ornament still gets hung every year as a great reminder of the wonderful early years of our marriage. 
So thankful for those first years. We did lots of growing up and growing closer. In this world of disposal everything, I am thankful and blessed for the long lasting love and successful working relationship we share. 
Thankful for Christmases past and looking forward to Christmases future all shared with my Farmer and our old ornaments,
From Tulip~

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